Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Running naked!

As Sub6 noted, I was considering running naked if it rained! Well it is raining today, and I went for a run. I did consider what I had said, but in the interests of my neighbours and the thought of unexpected visitors at home, I just kept running.

The reason I was even considering it is that we are for the first time in 100 years (apparently) facing a drought. We have not had significant rain for around 4 months. Our farm is dry, the cows are getting hungry, and it is costing a lot in extra feed. Fortunately (as those of us buying milk and other dairy products know) the payout we are going to get is very good, so we personally can't complain too much. It is just the cows and the grass I worry about.

Anyway, this is what I would have looked like. By the way it pays not to google naked running.


Mike said...

OK ... time for a bit of googling me thinks ... N A K ...

Anonymous said...

I had some ladies at work change my screen saver to naked people doing a triathlon - April Fools apparently! So, I had naked cyclists, naked swimmers, and a whole pile of brown eyes while people were running!!! VERY FUNNY!